Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Welcome, Welcome! (To the Muses' Feast)

Welcome All to my new blog, the 'Early Bird Extra'!

For those of you who stumble across this page randomly, as unlikely as that might be, here's a little background: I'm an Australian recorder player currently living and studying in Salzburg, Austria. I am also attempting to learn cornetto, have some experience with the harpsichord, and for some reason have a politics degree, which at the very least has taught me to write quite well.

This blog is intended to be both interesting and entertaining for all the folks interested in early music out there, as well as an educational experience for me: I will be reviewing books, CDs, DVDs, concerts and other events, and perhaps occasionally ranting about the state of the historical music world. With any luck, I will be doing so reasonably regularly.

If this sounds like your cup of tea, please read on!

And if you have any suggestions for books, CDs, or DVDs you would like me to review, please feel free to ask, either here or on twitter.


  1. Hello,
    I'm a recorder enthusiast (and a bad amateur recorder player). I hope this blog will be another excellent contribute to the early music universe, with lots of material on this wonderful instrument.

    I also invite you to follow my blog at
    Luís Henriques

    Best wishes from Portugal

  2. Hey Brendon :)

    Looks good! I've added you to my reader ;) If you know of any concerts happening in Linz/Salzburg/Vienna, anywhere inbetween - let me know! I'd be super keen if they involve cello or gamba of course! haha


  3. Well I can tell you right now, there's a concert here in Salzburg that I'm involved in next Thursday, the 26th, 8pm in the 'Solitär' at the Mozarteum. 'Croissant Français'. Works by Lully, Rebel, Charpentier, and Boismortier. Lots of viols involved! Of course you probably can't make it during the week, but still.

    It's unfortunate that there's still no baroque cello teacher here. Though apparently there will be next year! No idea who, but watch this space!
